Lately I find that I am comparing myself to...well... everything and everyone.
I can't help but look at other people in public and think "I wish I had her stomach" or "I would kill to have those legs."
I find that I will see someone chowing down on a burger in their car and immediately think one of two things. Either "I hate you for being able to devour that without an ounce of guilt" or "Wow. They could easily have replaced that with something else to lessen the calories."
I will see someone jogging down the street and think to myself "I hope I can do that by springtime."
I see someone who is larger than me and I think "well at least I'm not as big as that."
I think it all boils down to not being happy with myself, really. We all have these unrealistic expectations of perfection that we lay upon ourselves. I will never look like Emily Browning. I will never sing like P!nk. And I need to realize that that is okay. I can be ME without it being a bad thing.
But then again, is it wrong to look for compliments once in awhile? Is it wrong to want to hear from someone "you look really beautiful today"? A flirty glance from that stranger in a store or the smile from the person in the car next to you at the stop light?
I may not look like the celebrities in my favorite movies or television show or the models gracing the covers of all those magazine that urge us to love ourselves yet include articles on how to lose weight and fix our skin, clothing and hair.... but I am okay. I am good. I am me and that should be enough, dammit.
And I smile at the thought that someone out there wishes they could be like me.
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